Functional Nutrition & Integrative Health Center

Dr. John Heary
266 Buffalo St.
Hamburg, NY 14075
(716) 545-4090
Natural Health Solutions
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 (716) 545-4090
Functional Nutrition & Integrative Health Center

The Hamburg, NY Leader In Chiropractic Care!

$49 Consultation, Exam, & Treatment
 (716) 545-4090

Dr. John Heary
266 Buffalo St.
Hamburg, NY 14075

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What Conditions Do We Specialize In?

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Don't Waste Another Day Feeling Lousy!
Welcome to Functional Nutrition & Integrative Health Center - The Hamburg leader in chiropractic, nutrition, and wellness care.

At Functional Nutrition & Integrative Health Center we offer chiropractic adjustments in a variety of chiropractic techniques and styles. Our approach is simple. To get you healthy and to keep you healthy! 

We safely and effectively care for people of all ages, from the severely hurting / injured to the healthy & wanting to be healthier. Whether you're suffering from chronic lower back pain or debilitating migraines - we're here to help. 

We encourage you to research our website thoroughly. Scroll up to learn about the conditions we specialize in. Scroll down to learn about our highly effective treatment options. If you're in Hamburg, NY or the surrounding areas we'd love to help you achieve a more optimal state of health & vitality.

Call Today for a $49 Consultation, Examination, & Treatment! (716) 545-4090
Services We Offer

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care focuses on the spine and other joints of the body, and their connection to the nervous system. The word “chiropractic” means “to be done by hand.” At natural health solutions we use safe & gentle chiropractic adjustments to restore joint function and support the nervous system. An estimated 50 million Americans see a chiropractor each year.

Corrective Exercices / Rehab

At Dr. John Heary's office we look at the entire picture. We'll not only address your spine, but we'll consider exercises, postural stretches, & various physiotherapy modalities that will help with your current condition.

We use techniques to treat muscles, ligaments, & tendons. In addition, patients receive specific advice regarding home care instructions to support in office care.

Softwave Therapy

SoftWave™ Therapy is an FDA cleared non-invasive and drug-free treatment for inflammation, chronic pain, diabetic neuropathy and all joint issues.

It uses acoustic waves to penetrate deep into the tissue to promote blood flow, circulation, reduce inflammation and eliminate pain while also stimulating the migration of your body’s stem cells for long-term healing.

Medical Weight Loss

In Dr. John Heary's office we offer a clinically proven medical weight loss system. We don't believe in a "cookie cutter" generic approach to weight loss. 

We are all unique, different, & react to foods differently. We use specific in-office testing and will provide you with a customized approach tailored to your needs & weight loss goals.

Customized Supplementation

Much like weight loss, we don't believe in "generic" supplementation recommendations. We objectively TEST for nutrient deficiencies and shortages. 

We often tell patients. "The most EXPENSIVE vitamin is the one you don't need!" This is why we test!

Also, the most expensive vitamin is the one that doesn't work! We'll recommend high quality vitamins & supplementation that will push your nutrient levels in a more optimal direction. 

Massage Therapy

At Functional Nutrition & Integrative Health Center we offer several different types of massage. From injury care massage (post car accident) to pre-natal massage to relaxation massage...our therapists are available to help with your exact needs.
What's The Next Step?
Call To Schedule A $49 Consultation, Evaluation, & Treatment With Dr. John Heary
Remember - We Help Patients All Across Western New York Get Healthy Safely, Effectively, & Naturally! 

Chiropractor Hamburg, NY
Chiropractor Orchard Park, NY
Chiropractor Eden, NY
Chiropractor East Aurora, NY
Chiropractor Boston, NY
Chiropractor Amherst, NY
Chiropractor Collins Center, NY
Chiropractor Rochester, NY

Chiropractor Depew, NY
Chiropractor Medina, NY
Chiropractor Williamsville, NY
Chiropractor Tonawanda, NY
Chiropractor Cheektowaga, NY
Chiropractor, Lancaster, NY
Chiropractor Blasdell, NY
Chiropractor Lackawanna, NY

We Provide A Safe, Comfortable, & Relaxed Environment

Dr. John Heary is a board certified chiropractic physician with over 600 hours of post graduate training in clinical nutrition, functional medicine, and myoneural medicine. He graduated from the prestigious New York Chiropractic College. He is Certified in Functional Medicine and Nutrition. He is also a Certified Clinician in Whole Food Nutrition and a Certified Neuropathy Practitioner.

His true passion is helping patients achieve their optimal health potential through proper nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle changes. He specializes in comprehensive blood testing. Thousands of people all over the country have reached a more optimal state of health because of his unique approach to finding the underlying cause of health problems.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Happens On The First Visit?
Very simple. You'll meet with Dr. John Heary to discuss your concerns. A thorough health history will be performed follow by an examination / evaluation. From there if we think we can help, we'll tell you. If we think a referral to a specialist will be better suited for your needs, we'll provide that. During your 2nd visit is when we provide care plan instructions / recommended action plan moving forward. 
Is Chiropractic Safe?
Chiropractic is widely recognized as one of the SAFESST, non-invasive therapies available for the treatment of musculoskeletal complaints. Although chiropractic has an excellent safety record, no health treatment is completely free of potential adverse effects. The risks associated with chiropractic, however, are very small. Many patients feel immediate relief following a chiropractic adjustment, but some may experience mild muscle soreness, stiffness, similar to a post exercise muscle soreness. Current research shows that minor discomfort or soreness following spinal manipulation is typically gone within 24 hours.
Do You Take Insurance?
We will definitely check your insurance benefits to determine if they'll be able to help with your care plan. From there we'll provide with you the most cost effective way of getting the treatment you need. 
Is Chiropractic Appropriate For Children?
Absolutely! We see of ton of kids at natural health solutions. Children are very physically active and experience many types of falls and traumas from activities of daily living as well as from participating in sports. Kids have spines (just like adults) and their spines need to be maintained throughout life as well. Chiropractic care is always modified to the individual. It is a highly skilled treatment, and in the case of children, we provide a very gentle approach.
If I Start Chiropractic Care - Do I Have To Keep Coming Back?
Our approach is hands on. Because of this it may require a number of visits to fix the underlying problem. In contrast, a course of treatment from medical doctors often involves a pre-established plan that is conducted at home (i.e. taking a course of antibiotics once a day for a couple of weeks or taking pain killers). As chiropractors we provide hands on treatments which makes a sequence of visits sometimes necessary. We will give you our best recommendations during your 2nd visit in our clinic.

 Manual Therapies Help Knee Osteoarthritis Patients. 

A comprehensive review that
included eleven systematic reviews/meta-analyses concluded that manual therapies—such as those
provided by doctors of chiropractic—are a safe and effective treatment option for patients with
osteoarthritis of the knee. 

Frontiers in Public Health, February 2023
Physical Activity Protects Kidney Health of Diabetics. 

Past research has shown diabetics to be at
increased risk for chronic kidney disease. However, a recent study found that engaging in moderate-to-vigorous
physical activity for at least one hour a week can reduce this risk by 33%, and exercising for at least 67 minutes
a day, seven days a week may potentially mitigate the risk for chronic kidney disease entirely.

BMJ, February 2024
Scapula Stabilization Exercises Benefit Shoulder Impingement Patients. 

Subacromial impingement syndrome occurs when the rotator cuff tendons become inflamed or irritated as they pass
through the subacromial space, which can lead to pain, weakness, and reduced range of motion in the
shoulder—including the movement of the scapula. A study that included 33 shoulder impingement patients
found a conservative treatment approach that included scapular stabilization exercises resulted in better
outcomes with respect to shoulder pain and function. 

Sports Health, March 2023
Bad Sleep in Teen Years May Raise MS Risk. 

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the
central nervous system in which the immune system attacks the brain and spinal cord resulting in symptoms
such as numbness, tingling, mood changes, memory problems, pain, fatigue, blindness, and paralysis. A survey
of 2,100 adult MS patients and 3,000 otherwise healthy adults revealed that sleeping less than seven hours a
night during adolescence is associated with a 40% higher risk for developing MS in adulthood.

Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, January 2023
Autism May Affect How Pain Is Felt. 

A study that included 52 adults with autism spectrum
disorder and 52 neurotypical adults found that those on the autism spectrum experienced pain more intensely.
Researcher Dr. Tami Bar-Shalita notes, “The prevalent belief was that they are supposedly 'indifferent to pain', and
there are reports that medical and other professional staff treated them accordingly… We hope that our findings will
benefit the professionals and practitioners handling this population and contribute to the advancement of
personalized treatment.” 

Pain, January 2023
Mid-Back Adjustment Can Help Neck Pain Patients. 

A meta-analysis of data from five
randomized controlled trials found that applying spinal manipulative therapy—the primary form of treatment
provided by doctors of chiropractic—to the thoracic spine can improve pain and reduce disability in patients
with neck pain. 

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, October 2022
Uterine Fibroid Symptoms. 

While growths in a woman’s uterus called uterine fibroids
usually aren’t cancerous, they can be a source of significant pain and discomfort. The Department of Health and
Human Services notes the following are typical symptoms of uterine fibroids: heavy, painful periods; feelings
of fullness in the lower abdomen/pelvic region; abdominal swelling; frequent urination; lower back pain; and
reproductive issues. 

Department of Health and Human Services, February 2023
Frequent Use Antibiotics Associated with Greater Risk for IBD. 

With the aid of information
from the Danish national medical database, researchers observed an association between frequent antibiotic use
and an elevated risk for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The finding underscores the importance of avoiding
antibiotic overuse as several studies have found up to half of antibiotic prescriptions may be unnecessary.

Gut, January 2023
Plant-Based Diet May Affect Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes. 

While further studies are necessary, an
analysis of data concerning 65,872 pregnancies found that the women who identified as vegans were more
likely to develop preeclampsia, and their babies weighed an average of 240 grams less than the other offspring
from the study group. 

Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica Scandinavica, January 2024  
Neighborhood Walkability Linked to Risk of Gestational Diabetes. 

After reviewing data from more than 100,000 pregnancies among New York city residents, researchers report that living in a highly
walkable neighborhood can reduce the risk for gestational diabetes by as much as 20%.

Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, January 2023
Health Benefits of Ginger. 

The current research suggests that consuming ginger can benefit individuals
with the following conditions: nausea and morning sickness, osteoarthritis, chronic indigestion, and menstrual pain. 

Healthline, February 2023
High-Intensity Exercise May Be Linked to Better Grades. 

In a recent study that included 211
female high-school students, researchers observed an association between the amount of time spent each week
engaged in high-intensity physical activity and better scores on assessments of attentional control, which is
associated with better academic performance.

Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, January 2023
Back Pain Increases Frailty Risk in Older Women. 

Frailty is a condition characterized by
weakness, slowness, physical inactivity, self-reported exhaustion, and unintentional weight loss that is
associated with an increased risk for poor health outcomes. In a recent study, researchers observed that older
women with low back pain were 2.83 times more likely to develop frailty over the following year, especially
those with greater pain intensity or disability. 

European Geriatric Medicine, February 2023
 A Third of Those with Spondyloarthritis Have Anxiety Disorder. 

Questionnaires completed by 12,713 arthritis patients revealed that around a third (34.5%) of spondyloarthritis patients suffered
from high levels of anxiety, and the risk is greatest among females, those under 55 years of age, and those diagnosed within the previous three years. 

RMD Open, January 2024
Mid-Back Adjustment May Benefit Shoulder Impingement Patients. 

Subacromial impingement syndrome occurs when the rotator cuff tendons become inflamed or irritated as they pass through
the subacromial space, which can lead to pain, weakness, and reduced range of motion in the shoulder. A
literature review that included 14 studies found that spinal manipulative therapy—the primary form of treatment
provided by doctors of chiropractic—applied to the thoracic spine may improve pain and range of motion in
patients with the condition. 

JPMA, February 2023
Asthma and COPD Increase Risk for Neck/Shoulder Pain. 

In a recent study, researchers found that patients with respiratory disorders that include asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder
(COPD) have an increased risk (48% and 112%, respectively) for developing troublesome neck and shoulder pain in the following four years. 

European Spine Journal, December 2022
Exposure to Air Pollution During Pregnancy May Harm a Child’s Early Development.

Assessments of 161 mother-child pairs revealed an association between in utero exposure to higher levels of air
pollution and worse performance on assessments of thinking, motor, and language skills in early childhood.

Environmental Health, January 2023
 Spinal Manipulation Improves How Chronic Low Back Pain Patients Experience Pain.

According to a study that included 98 chronic low back pain sufferers, those treated with spinal manipulative
therapy—the primary form of treatment provided by doctors of chiropractic—experienced a reduction in both
pain catastrophizing (an exaggerated mental outlook toward their pain) and central sensitization (greater
sensitivity to painful stimuli) after twelve sessions spread over four weeks. 

Journal of Pain, February 2024 
Elasticity of Thoracolumbar Fascia and Low Back Pain. 

Examinations of 131 adults, 68 with low
back pain, revealed a 25-30% reduction in the elasticity of the thoracolumbar fascia—the tissue that surrounds and
supports the movement of the muscles in the lower back—in participants with low back pain, and the less elastic the
fascia, the more severe the patient’s low back pain. Doctors of chiropractic utilize a hands-on therapy called
myofascial release to address adhesions that form in the fascia that can restrict the ability of the muscles to move

Clinical Anatomy, January 2023 
 Greater Oversight of Organic Food Coming. 

To prevent conventionally grown crops from being
misrepresented as organic upon import into the country, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) will
soon require importers, brokers, and traders to comply with the USDA National Organic Program. These increases in
oversight will tighten up weaknesses uncovered by the Washington Post in 2017 and confirmed by a subsequent
report from the USDA’s Office of Inspector General. 

Associated Press, January 2023
 Occupational Cold Exposure Linked to Musculoskeletal Pain. 

Questionnaires completed by 3,843
Swedish workers revealed that regularly working in cold temperatures is associated with an elevated risk for neck
shoulder pain, low back pain, and radiating low back pain.

International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, January 2023
Manual Therapy Helps Patients with Hip Osteoarthritis. 

A systematic review that included ten studies concluded that long-axis distraction, mobilization, and thrust manipulation—treatments provided by
doctors of chiropractic—are effective interventions for reducing pain and range of hip motion in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip. 

Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy, December 2022
Living Near an Airport May Expose Children to Lead. 

Despite policies to reduce the risk for
exposure to lead, a recent study found that children living near a regional airport (especially those downwind) in
Santa Clara County, California had blood lead levels that exceed the state’s safety threshold. Study author Dr.
Sammy Zahran adds, “Across an ensemble of tests, we find consistent evidence that the blood lead levels of children
residing near the airport are pushed upward by the deposition of leaded aviation gasoline… This indicates we should
support policy efforts to limit aviation lead emissions to safeguard the welfare of at-risk children.”

PNAS Nexuz, January 2023
Teen Asthma Rates Increase When States Legalize Weed. 

Following an analysis of data from the 2011-2019 National Survey on Children’s Health, researchers report that the rate of asthma among
adolescents increases following the legalization of marijuana in a state, while rates are consistent where
cannabis use remains illegal. 

Preventive Medicine, January 2023
 Antifungal Skin Meds May Be Driving Drug-Resistant Disease. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the over-prescription of antifungal creams for skin complaints is
leading to severe antimicrobial-resistant superficial fungal infections, including drug-resistant forms of
ringworm. Experts from the CDC note that better diagnostic practices and patient education on the proper use of
antifungal creams could reduce the risk for the development and spread of further drug-resistant fungal disease.

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, January 2024
Low Fitness When Young Linked to Poor Health Later in Life. 

Researchers from the University
of Jyväskylä report that individuals with low cardiorespiratory fitness during adolescence have an elevated risk
for diabetes, hypertension, and coronary heart disease in middle and old age.

Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, October 2023 
Musculoskeletal Pain Increasing Among Veterans. 

Following a review of nearly two
decades of data from National Health Interview Survey, researchers report that military veterans have
experienced a larger increase in the prevalence of musculoskeletal pain—particularly joint pain, neck pain,
and low back pain, as well as multi-site pain—than has been observed in the general population. The
authors conclude, “The findings underscore the need for improved prevention and pain care programs for
veterans, who experienced a widening disproportionate pain burden from 2002 to 2018.”

Journal of Pain, November 2023
The Importance of Proper Diagnosis and Treatment. 

This case study described a patient with
anteromedial leg pain that had been diagnosed as shin splints for ten years. Following a review of the patient’s
history and chiropractic examination focused on anatomy, biomechanics, and the peripheral nervous system, the
patient received a diagnosis of dynamic stenosis of the left L4-5 intervertebral foramen leading to mixed partial
mononeuropathy of the L4 spinal nerve, causing pain and hypersensitivity in the anteromedial shin. A treatment plan
that included manual therapy targeting the intervertebral foramen resulted in resolution of the patient’s pain and
sensory symptoms. 

Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, August 2023
Sedentary Lifestyle Linked to Suicidal Behaviors. 

A systematic review that included 13 studies
concluded that a sedentary lifestyle is associated with a greater than 20% elevated risk for suicidal ideation,
planning, and attempts. The findings suggest that public health efforts to encourage a more active lifestyle can
reduce the risk for self-harm in the general population. 

Journal of Affective Disorders, January 2024
Passive Hamstring Stretching and Chronic Low Back Pain. 

Past research has demonstrated
that individuals with chronic low back pain often exhibit shortening of the hamstrings, which may contribute to
their low back pain and disability. In a recent study involving 90 chronic low back pain patients, researchers
observed that passive hamstring stretching can improve the flexibility of the hamstrings. Doctors of chiropractic
often address tight hamstrings in chronic low back pain patients with passive stretching as part of a multimodal
treatment approach. 

Heliyon, September 2023
AI May Help Predict Survival After Heart Surgery. 

Scientists have created an
artificial intelligence (AI) agent that can interpret electrocardiogram (ECG) data to predict a heart surgery
patient’s chances for surviving the next 30 days to a greater extent than the current Revised Cardiac Risk Index
standard, 83% vs. 67%. With refinement, this AI agent could help patients and physicians better assess whether
to proceed with heart surgery. 

The Lancet Digital Health, December 2023 
Biological Age May Affect Risk and Dementia. 

Using data from the UK Biobank study,
researchers report that individuals whose blood lipid levels, blood pressure, and pulmonary function resemble
those of someone more than five years older than them are 40% more likely to develop vascular dementia or
stroke than their peers with a biological age closer to their actual age.

Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, November 2023
 Fish Intake Can Protect Against Neurodevelopmental Delays. 

According to a recent study that
monitored 142 children until 18 months of age, those fed fish at least once a week after starting solid foods had
a healthier gut microbiome as well as a lower risk for neurodevelopmental delays.

Microorganisms, December 2023
Exercise Helps Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients. 

Among a group of 356 patients with metastatic
breast cancer, those who participated in twice-weekly structured exercise classes for nine months reported less
fatigue and a higher quality of life. 

San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, December 2023
Sleep Disorders Commonly Accompany Night Shifts. 

An analysis of data concerning more
than 37,000 adults revealed that a third suffer from one or more sleep disorders. However, those who regularly
work nights are nearly two times more likely to have a sleep disorder, which may include insomnia,
hypersomnia, parasomnia, and sleep apnea, among others. 

Frontiers, December 2023
Teens with Epilepsy at Risk for Eating Disorders. 

Among a group of 1,740 teenagers
under treatment for epilepsy, researchers observed that 8.4% had a concurrent eating disorder, a rate more than
three times greater than the general adolescent population (2.7%). 

American Epilepsy Society, December 2023 
Treatment for Kneecap Pain. 

Among a group of 25 people with patellofemoral pain syndrome,
those treated with soft tissue mobilization twice a week for four weeks experienced improvements in knee pain
and function that persisted after the conclusion of care. Doctors of chiropractic are trained in a variety of
manual therapy techniques, including soft tissue mobilization, in the management of patellofemoral pain
syndrome and other musculoskeletal disorders. 

Frontiers in Medicine, November 2023
E-Cigarettes Double Heart Attack Risk. 

Even after adjusting for known risk factors for myocardial infarction, researchers report that electronic cigarette users have a 2.6 times increased risk for
heart attack when compared with never smokers. The finding helps counter the notion that electronic cigarettes are a safe alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes. 

Cureus, November 2023
Getting Sufficient Sleep Is Necessary for Fitness. 

Researchers use handgrip strength to estimate an
individual’s overall fitness level. An analysis of data from the 2019 Korea National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey revealed that getting too little (less than six hours) or too much (more than eight hours)
sleep each night is associated with reduced grip strength in middle-aged and older adults.

Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics, July 2023
Modified Mediterranean Ketogenic Diet May Reduce Alzheimer's Risk. 

Gamma-aminobutyric acid
(GABA) is responsible for inhibiting the excitability of brain cells and balancing the neuronal activity required for
healthy brain function. Past research has associated GABA dysfunction with neuropsychiatric conditions such as
Alzheimer's disease. In a recent study, researchers observed that patients with mild-cognitive impairment
experienced an increase in GABA-producing microbes in the gut after switching to a modified Mediterraneanketogenic diet (low carb emphasizing healthy fats and proteins), which researchers suspect may lower the risk for
progression to Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia. 

Alzheimer's & Dementia, March 2023
Asthma and Eczema Increase Arthritis Risk. 

Following a review of data concerning nearly 1.4
million adults, researchers report that individuals with either asthma or eczema are up to 58% more likely to develop
osteoarthritis, and the risk is even greater for those with both conditions.

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, March 2023
Physical Activity May Stave Off Parkinson's Disease. 

Using data from the French E3N cohort
study, researchers observed a relationship between higher physical activity levels and a reduced risk for
Parkinson’s disease. The findings suggest that living an active lifestyle may lower an individual’s risk for the
neurodegenerative condition. 

Neurology, May 2023
Saturated Fat May Raise Risk for Alzheimer's. 

According to a recent study, a high intake of saturated
fat is linked to greater expression of genes associated with amyloid plaque accumulation, tau protein
overproduction, and brain inflammation—all hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease. The findings suggest that
limiting saturated fat in the diet may lower one’s risk for Alzheimer’s disease later in life.

Nutrients, February 2024
 Progression to Chronic Low Back Pain. 

Among a group of 131 adults with acute low back
pain (duration less than four weeks), researchers observed that those who reported low back pain on most days
or every day and those with higher intensity low back pain were most likely to continue to experience low back
pain at the three- and six-month mark. Doctors of chiropractic are trained in the management of both acute and
chronic low back pain. 

medRxiv, March 2024
Ulnar Nerve Entrapment.

Ulnar nerve entrapment is a common disorder that occurs when the mobility of the ulnar nerve is restricted along its course from the neck to the hand, most often at the elbow. This can result in symptoms such as paresthesia, numbness, decreased sensory function, and muscle weakness in the pinkie and pinkie-side of the ring finger. Like carpal tunnel syndrome, treatment guidelines recommend pursuing conservative care options—such as chiropractic care—as a first course of treatment in mild-to-moderate cases.

Diagnostics (Basel), February 2024
Clinical Practice Guidelines Recommend Spinal Manipulation for Low Back Pain.

An analysis of 22 clinical practice guidelines found that spinal manipulative therapy—the primary form of care provided by doctors of chiropractic—is recommended as a front-line treatment option for managing acute, subacute, and chronic low back pain.

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, May 2024
Spending Time in Nature Benefits Kids’ Mental Health.

Researchers from the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina report that the more green space (parks, trails, and other nature settings) within .75 miles of a young child’s home, the less likely they’ll experience symptoms of a mood disorder by age five.

JAMA Network Open, April 2024
Cervical Mobilization Benefits MS Patients.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system in which the immune system attacks the brain and spinal cord resulting in symptoms such as numbness, tingling, mood changes, memory problems, pain, fatigue, blindness, and paralysis. In a recent study that included 16 MS patients, researchers observed that incorporating cervical mobilization into traditional rehabilitation led to greater improvements with respect to balance during movement. Cervical mobilization is a technique sometimes used by chiropractors when managing musculoskeletal conditions.

Neurological Research, April 2024
Spinal Manipulation and Mobilization for Kids and Teens.

A panel of eleven experts from seven countries agreed that spinal mobilization is suitable for managing various conditions including joint hypomobility, pain, muscle/myofascial pain, and stiffness in children and adolescents. Additionally, the panel reached consensus on the use of spinal manipulative therapy to manage joint pain and hypomobility in the mid- and lower back in adolescents. Doctors of chiropractic use both forms of treatment to manage musculoskeletal disorders in pediatric patients.

Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, March 2024
Neighborhood May Influence Dementia Risk.

Monash University researchers report that residents of neighborhoods with little-to-no crime and closer access to greenspaces may have a lower risk for cognitive decline and dementia than those from unsafe areas with less greenery.

Preventive Medicine Reports, April 2024
Loss of Consciousness May Portent Worse Outcomes for Concussion Patients.

Interviews with 177 former collegiate and professional athletes revealed that those who lost consciousness in association with mild-traumatic brain injury had a higher risk for neurobehavioral symptoms one year later.

Brain Injury, May 2024
Mid-Back Adjustments for Neck Pain?

Due to postural faults like forward head posture, patients seeking chiropractic care for neck pain often have issues beyond the cervical spine that contribute to their presenting condition. In a review of data from six clinical trials involving individuals with neck pain, researchers found that spinal manipulative therapies applied to the thoracic spine often led to improvements in neck pain, disability, and range of motion.

Musculoskeletal Science & Practice, March 2024
Diabetes Nearly Doubles Risk for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

An analysis of data concerning more than 3.3 million adults revealed that the risk for carpal tunnel syndrome is up to 90% higher among adults with diabetes.

PLoS One, April 2024
Physical Activity May Protect Against Chronic Pain.

New research suggests that individuals who meet physical activity guidelines of at least 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise a week are less likely to experience chronic pain in the following decade.

Journal of the International Association for the Study of Pain, April 2024
Global Cancer Cases Expected to Rise Due to Aging Population and Lifestyle Factors.

Due to trends such as the aging population and unhealthy lifestyle choices, the American Cancer Society estimates that 35 million people worldwide will be diagnosed with cancer in 2050, up from 20 million in 2022. The organization notes that roughly half of cancers may be preventable through making improvements in diet, meeting physical activity guidelines, reducing sedentary time, reducing tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption, and limiting exposure to environmental pollutants, for example.

American Cancer Society, April 2024
Mandala Painting Benefits Breast Cancer Patients.

For women undergoing chemotherapy to treat breast cancer, a recent study found that Mandala painting—a meditative form of painting characterized by detailed, symmetrical, and circular designs—is an effective intervention for reducing anxiety levels.

Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, February 2024
Notalgia Paresthetica Relief Through Chiropractic Care.

Notalgia paresthetica is a chronic sensory neuropathy characterized by localized itching, tingling, or burning in the upper back. In this case study, a 54-year-old woman with a six-year history of notalgia paresthetica and cervicothoracic discomfort that did not respond to usual care sought treatment from a doctor of chiropractic. A thorough examination identified degenerative spinal changes at C5/6 and C6/7, which correlated with her symptom distribution. After two treatments that included spinal manipulative therapy and myofascial release, the patient reported a complete resolution of her symptoms.

Cureus, February 2024
ADHD Medications Linked to Potential Heart Risks in Young Adults.

An analysis of data collected from 80 hospitals across the United States found an association between long-term (10+ years) use of stimulants for managing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and an elevated risk for cardiomyopathy in young adults. While the absolute risk remains low, the authors of the study note that adult ADHD patients should be made aware of the potential heart risks associated with such medications.

American College of Cardiology, March 2024
Common Household Chemicals May Harm Your Brain.

Oligodendrocytes are cells that produce myelin, a substance that insulates neurons, allowing for better connectivity between brain cells. New research suggests that chemicals found in disinfectants, cleaners, personal care products, and furniture, such as organophosphate flame retardants and quaternary ammonium compounds, can damage oligodendrocytes, potentially contributing to neurodegenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis. The authors of the study call for additional research to better understand the effect of these chemicals on the brain and to develop measures to reduce exposure.

Nature Neuroscience, March 2024
Protein-Rich Breakfast for Better Concentration?

In a recent experiment, researchers observed that participants who consumed a protein-rich breakfast had better performance on a cognitive concentration test 150 minutes after their mealtime than those who either skipped breakfast or ate a carbohydrate-rich morning meal.

Journal of Dairy Science, December 2023
Treatment for Frozen Shoulder.

Adhesive capsulitis, also known as frozen shoulder, is described as a painful restriction of the shoulder’s range of motion. In a recent study that included 34 adhesive capsulitis patients, researchers found that the combination of manual therapies and dynamic stretching—an approach commonly used by doctors of chiropractic to manage shoulder conditions—is an effective intervention for improving shoulder pain, range of motion, and disability.

Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, February 2024
Manual Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis.

A systematic review that included 25 studies concluded that manual therapy is an effective intervention for reducing pain in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Doctors of chiropractic are trained in the delivery of several manual therapies for managing many musculoskeletal conditions, including knee osteoarthritis.

Systematic Reviews, March 2024
Neck Pain Affects Walking Ability.

Examinations of 14 older adults with chronic neck pain and 36 seniors without neck pain revealed that when walking with head movement, chronic neck pain is associated with a slower, more laborious, and asymmetrical gait. The authors of the study speculate this alteration in walking ability may be the result of structural instability and proprioception impairments in the cervical spine. Doctors of chiropractic often address chronic neck pain and its associated symptoms with a multimodal approach that includes manual therapies and specific exercises.

Frontiers in Medicine, February 2024
Are Pesticides Linked to Parkinson's Cases?

An analysis of data concerning 21.5 million Medicare patients and pesticide/herbicide use across various geographical regions found an association between increased exposure to simanzine, atrazine, and lindane and up to a 36% increased risk for Parkinson’s disease.

American Academy of Neurology, April 2024
Exercise Helps Concussion Recovery.

For children and teens who sustain a mild-traumatic brain injury, new research suggests that engaging in at least 40 minutes of total moderate-to-vigorous exercise a day in the first two weeks post-injury can result in a greater reduction in post-concussion symptoms than less or no exercise at all.

JAMA Network Open, February 2024
Try Salt Substitutes.

According to a study that included 600 older adults, exchanging regular salt with salt substitutes (such as potassium chloride or various herbs and spices) led to a significant reduction in high blood pressure cases over a two-year period.

Journal of the American College of Cardiology, February 2024
Novel Stool Test Enhances Colon Cancer Detection.

Researchers from the Netherlands Cancer Institute have developed a new diagnostic called the multitargetFIT-test that examines stool samples for hemoglobin and two proteins to more accurately identify early-stage colon cancer tumors, both reducing healthcare costs and saving lives.

The Lancet Oncology, February 2024
Smoking Overtakes Injection as Leading Cause of Drug Overdose Deaths.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that since January 2020, overdose deaths linked to smoking drugs (particularly fentanyl) have increased 73.7% and the practice is now the primary avenue for drug overdose deaths. The finding highlights the necessity for evolving strategies in combatting the ongoing drug overdose epidemic in the United States.

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, February 2024
Exercise Interventions for Chronic Low Back Pain.

A multimodal treatment approach for managing chronic low back pain will often include an exercise component, both to address current pain/disability and to reduce the risk for recurrence. A systematic review that included 75 randomized controlled trials found that tai chi, yoga, Pilates, core stabilization, and sling exercises are effective interventions for improving pain and/or disability in low back pain patients.

Frontiers in Public Health, November 2023
Spinal Manipulation May Prevent Second Back Surgery.

Among a group of 756 patients with ongoing lumbosacral radiculopathy following lumbar discectomy, those treated with spinal manipulative therapy—the primary form of treatment provided by doctors of chiropractic—were half as likely to undergo a second surgical procedure in the following two years.

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, January 2024
Depression and Poor Sleep Can Worsen Chronic Low Back Pain-Related Disability.

According to a recent study, the combination of moderate-to-severe depressive symptoms with obstructive sleep apnea or insomnia symptoms is associated with worse functional disability in patients with chronic low back pain. The finding highlights the importance of a holistic approach in treating patients with chronic low back pain, including assessing and managing psychological and sleep issues in those demonstrating a decreased ability to carry out activities of daily living.

Healthcare (Basel), November 2023
Make Sure to Include Unstructured Physical Activity in Your Fitness Plans.

To help maintain balance and strong muscles, researchers from Northeastern University recommend including unstructured physical activity in your exercise regimen. Examples of unstructured physical activity include dancing; walking; hiking; gardening; exploring nature; or any physical activity outside of organized sports, fitness classes, or scheduled exercise routines.

Northeastern University, January 2024
Plant-Based Protein Intake May Lead to Healthier Aging.

Tufts University researchers analyzed data concerning more than 48,000 women and observed an association between higher protein intake from plant-based sources and lower rates of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and cognitive decline.

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, January 2024
 PTSD Linked to Near-Term Cardiovascular Risks.

Following an analysis of data concerning more than one million adults, researchers estimate that individuals with a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have a 59% increased risk for a major adverse cardiovascular event (such as a stroke or heart attack) in the following year.

Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, February 2024
Treatment for Cervical Radiculopathy.

A systematic review that included eight studies concluded that neural mobilization is an effective treatment option for mobility, pain, disability, and functional activity in patients with cervical radiculopathy. Doctors of chiropractic frequently use neural mobilization as part of a multimodal approach when managing cervical radiculopathy cases.

Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, September 2023
Acetaminophen Use During Pregnancy Linked to Language Delays in Children?

New research suggests that children born to mothers who took acetaminophen during pregnancy may be at elevated risk for delays in language development, especially among frequent users of the drug during the third trimester.

Pediatric Research, December 2023
Deconditioned Paraspinal Muscles Linked to Back Pain Risk.

Examinations of 205 adults revealed an association between fat infiltration into the paraspinal muscles—the muscles that protect the spine and aid in maintaining posture—and an elevated risk for back pain and back pain-related disability. Doctors of chiropractic frequently encourage patients to perform exercises to strengthen the paraspinal muscles when managing chronic low back pain.

International Journal of Spine Surgery, October 2023
Modifiable Cancer Risk Factors.

While some cancers may be unavoidable, many are the result of lifestyle choices over many years including smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, physical inactivity, poor diet, and unsafe sun exposure.

Clinical Chemistry, January 2024
Reciprocal Inhibition Technique for Upper Trapezitis.

Upper trapezitis is described as pain in the upper trapezius muscle, which can result from stress, overuse, and poor posture. A recent case study focused on a 32-year-old female with upper trapezitis that experienced neck pain and reduced range of motion that affected her ability to carry out her daily activities. The patient’s treatment plan focused on the use of reciprocal inhibition technique—a form of treatment that involves relaxing one set of muscles while contracting another—which resulted in noteworthy improvements in pain and functional disability. Doctors of chiropractic are known to use reciprocal inhibition technique and other muscle energy techniques as part of a multimodal approach to managing musculoskeletal conditions.

Cureus, November 2023
Patellofemoral Pain and Soft Tissue Flexibility.

Examinations of 64 adults, half with a history of patellofemoral pain, revealed an association between kneecap pain and reduced knee flexion, hip adduction, and total range of motion in the symptomatic leg. The findings suggest that patellofemoral pain may be linked to lower soft tissue flexibility of the kinetic chain, which may need to be addressed to achieve a satisfactory outcome. This highlights the importance of assessing the whole patient when they present for care—a practice common among chiropractors—and not just focusing on the area of chief complaint.

Journal of Bodyworks and Movement Therapies, October 2023
Diaphragm and Core Stabilization Exercises for Back Pain.

Core stabilization exercises are often used as part of a multimodal approach when managing chronic back pain. However, a recent study found that the diaphragm—a muscle essential for breathing normalization and postural control—is often overlooked and that incorporating exercises to promote diaphragm function could lead to better outcomes in chronic back pain patients.

Journal of Bodyworks and Movement Therapies, October 2023
Exercise Helps Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients.

Among a group of 356 patients with metastatic breast cancer, those who participated in twice-weekly structured exercise classes for nine months reported less fatigue and a higher quality of life.

San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, December 2023
Treatment for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis.

Among a group of 128 lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) patients, those who received a multimodal treatment plan that including therapies to address trigger points and restore normal motion to spinal joints—such as those provided by doctors of chiropractic—experienced longer lasting improvements in low back, buttock, and leg pain and related disability than those who received conventional physical therapy.

Spine Journal, December 2023
Hip Muscle Strengthening Helps Low Back Pain Patients.

Past research has shown that issues with the hips often co-occur with low back pain. A systemic review that included seven studies found that incorporating hip strengthening exercises into a low back pain treatment plan can result in better outcomes with respect to low back pain and disability.

Sports, September 2023
Should Patients with Chronic Conditions Try High-Intensity Water Exercise?

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a form of cardiovascular exercise that involves alternating short bursts of intense activity with brief periods of rest or lower-intensity exercise. In a recent experiment, researchers observed that water-based HIIT may be more effective for improving exercise capacity in patients with chronic health conditions than land-based HIIT.

BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, November 2023
Treatment for Lumbar Disk Herniation.

In a recent study that included patients with a lumbar disk herniation, researchers observed that an eight-week course of treatment that included spinal manipulative therapy and other non-pharmaceutical approaches was more cost-effective and provided longer-lasting pain relief and function improvements than care involving pharmaceuticals and/or injections.

Journal of Pain Research, September 2023
Prenatal Exposure to Manganese Can Be Beneficial to Adolescent Cognition.

Boston University researchers note that exposure to manganese while in utero is associated with better memory during teenaged years. However, increased manganese intake in the first years of life appears to offer no later cognitive benefits. Dietary sources of manganese include mussels, oysters, pecans, hazelnuts, and brown rice.

Neurotoxicology and Teratology, Environmental Epidemiology, November 2023
Managing Heart Health Through Menopause.

Because menopause is associated with an elevated risk for cardiovascular disease, the American Heart Association recommends that women experiencing menopause should focus on the following to maximize their heart health: maintain healthy blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels; if overweight, lose weight; eat a balanced diet such as the DASH or Mediterranean diet; meet physical activity recommendations of 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise each week; get adequate, quality sleep each night; and manage stress levels.

American Heart Association, November 2023
Tai Chi May Help Manage Parkinson's Symptoms.

Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological disorder that can cause tremors, difficulty with movement, impaired balance and coordination, and muscle rigidity. In a recent study, researchers found that patients with Parkinson’s disease who engaged in a Tai Chi intervention experience benefits that included improvements in motor function, cognitive function, sleep, and overall wellbeing.

Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, October 2023
Low Back Pain and Impaired Balance.

Proprioception is the body's ability to sense where its various parts are in relation to one another for purposes of movement and balance. A recent literature review found that patients with low back pain often exhibit impaired proprioception, which can affect their movement patterns and sense of balance. Chiropractic care for low back pain often includes assessment of proprioception and treatments to address posture and positions sense.

EFORT Open Reviews, August 2023
Concussion Linked to Brain Issues Later in Life.

In a recent animal study, researchers observed that a mild-traumatic brain injury sustained during adolescence resulted in ongoing signs of neuroinflammation and oxidative stress that persisted into middle age in rats, which manifested as impaired cognitive function, anxiety, and depression.

Frontiers in Neuroscience, October 2023
7,500 Daily Steps Before Surgery Lowers Complication Risks.

According to a recent study, surgical patients who averaged 7,500 steps a day before their procedure had a 45% lower risk for post-surgical complications within the following 30 days. The findings add to a growing body of research on the benefits of pre-habilitation or improving fitness before undergoing surgery.

American College of Surgeons, October 2023
Women Make Up Majority of Lung Cancer Cases in Adults Aged 30-54 Years.

The American Cancer Society reports that while the incidence of lung cancer among women and men continues to fall, these gains are occurring much faster in men and now women account for the majority of lung cancer cases in the age 30-54 demographic. Researchers point out that women are not more likely to smoke than men, suggesting other factors may be at play.

American Cancer Society, October 2023
Comorbidities Can Worsen Back Pain.

Using data from the Back Complaints in the Elders study, researchers report that the more comorbidities—the presence of two or more health conditions, often chronic or long-term in nature—an adult over age 55 with back pain has, the higher they rate their pain intensity and the worse they rate their physical function.

Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, October 2023
Smoking Relapse Increases Back Pain Risk.

Among a group of more than 6,000 former smokers aged 50 and up, those who returned to smoking within a four-year timeframe were 53% more likely to develop back pain than participants who continued a non-smoking lifestyle.

European Journal of Pain, September 2023
Vaping Increases Asthma Risk in Teens.

Following an analysis of data from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, researchers report that teenagers who use electronic cigarettes have up to a 32% increased risk for developing asthma.

Preventive Medicine, September 2023
Being Social Is Important for Brain Health.

In a recent article published in the Journal of the American Health Association, the authors noted the importance of maintaining strong social connections as they have been demonstrated to reduce stress and preserve cognitive faculties.

Journal of the American Heart Association, August 2023
Workout Time May Affect Diabetes Risk.

For individuals at risk for type 2 diabetes, a recent study has found that physical activity in the evening appears to offer no statistically significant benefit for reducing diabetes risk. On the other hand, exercise in the morning or early afternoon may lower one’s risk for the disease.

Diabetologia, September 2023
Breast Milk Promotes a Healthier Microbiome.

Adding to a large body of research on the benefits of breastfeeding, a recent study found that several proteins found in breast milk can improve the health of a child’s gut bacteria population, which has been associated with improved immune function.

Frontiers in Microbiology, September 2023
Job Stress and the Heart.

Chronic work-related stress can lead to increased heart rate, higher blood pressure, narrowing of the blood vessels, drinking, poor food choices, and sedentary behaviors, all of which can increase the risk for cardiovascular disease. In a recent study, researchers found that men with chronic work-related stress have up to a 50% higher risk for heart disease than their peers with less stressful jobs.

Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, September 2023
Sedentary Time Linked to Higher Risk of Dementia.

Researchers from the University of Southern California and the University of Arizona report that older adults who spend twelve or more total hours each day engaged in sedentary behaviors have a 63% higher risk for dementia over a seven-year time frame than seniors who are sedentary for an average of about 9.5 hours a day.

JAMA, September 2023
Chronic Neck Pain and Sleep.

Examinations of 30 adults, 15 with chronic neck pain, revealed an association between chronic neck pain and higher nocturnal upper trapezius muscle activity and abnormal sleep patterns. Doctors of chiropractic utilize soft tissue techniques to reduce upper trapezius muscle hypertonicity to reduce neck pain and improve sleep quality.

Sleep & Breathing, July 2023
Stress May Contribute to Heart Arrhythmia in Postmenopausal Women.

Atrial fibrillation (A-Fib) is a common heart rhythm disorder that can lead to stroke, heart failure, and other cardiovascular complications. An analysis of data concerning nearly 84,000 middle-aged and older women revealed that those who regularly experienced elevated levels of stress and strain were more likely to develop A-Fib in the following decade.

Journal of the American Heart Association, August 2023
Smartphone Use Linked to Neck Pain in Young Adults.

Questionnaires completed by 867 university students revealed that excessive device use is associated with an elevated risk for current neck pain, especially among those with a previous history of either neck or shoulder pain.

PLoS One, June 2023
Supplement Combo May Help Manage Knee Pain.

According to a recent study, a supplement that combines omega-3 fatty acids and Boswellia serrata extract may offer an effective treatment option for improving knee pain and function in middle-aged adults with persistent knee pain.

Nutrients, September 2023
Middle-Aged Adults Using Marijuana & Binge-Drinking at Record Rates.

University of Michigan researchers report that the rates of binge drinking and marijuana usage among adults aged 35 to 50 are at the highest levels they’ve ever recorded at 29% and 30%, respectively.

University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research, August 2023
ADHD May Raise Risk for Additional Mental Health Disorders.

Researchers report that individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have an elevated risk for anorexia nervosa, major depressive disorder, suicide attempt, and post-traumatic stress disorder. On the other hand, there appears to be no link between ADHD and anxiety, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia.

BMJ Mental Health, July 2023
Postural Faults Linked to Worse Neck Pain.

In a recent study, researchers conducted thorough examinations of 101 middle-aged and older adults with chronic neck pain and found that nearly half had a loss of cervical lordosis (normal curvature of the cervical spine) and or scapular dyskinesis (altered motion of the scapula), both of which are associated with higher neck pain intensity.

Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, June 2023
Vitamin D and Juvenile Rheumatic Diseases.

Past research has shown vitamin D to have anti-inflammatory properties, and patients with juvenile rheumatic diseases often have lower serum levels of vitamin D. These data suggest that individuals with idiopathic arthritis, juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus, juvenile systemic scleroderma, and Behcet disease may benefit by improving their vitamin D levels via diet, supplementation, and/or increased time in the sun.

Rheumatology International, August 2023
Simple Three-Minute Exercise for Lowering Back Pain Risk.

According to a recent study that included 136 workers in the manufacturing industry, those who engaged in a daily three-minute workout that emphasized hamstring stretches and lumbar spine rotation reported 40% less back pain after three months than workers in a control group that continued their usual activities.

Environmental Health and Preventative Medicine, June 2023
Added Sugars May Increase Kidney Stone Risk.

While drinking enough water (especially during exercise), pairing oxalate-rich foods with calcium-rich foods, and cutting back on dietary salt are common recommendations to reduce the risk for kidney stones, a recent study that looked at data concerning more than 28,000 adults found that limiting added-sugar intake may also help lower the risk by up to 39%.

Frontiers in Nutrition, August 2023
A Multimodal Approach is Best for Neck Pain with Cervicogenic Dizziness.

For patients with neck pain and dizziness resulting from cervical dysfunction, a multimodal treatment that combines manual therapies and joint position sense, oculomotor, and balance exercises—all of which are commonly utilized by doctors of chiropractic—may be the best approach for reducing pain and addressing deficits in cervical proprioception and balance.

Musculoskeletal Science & Practice, February 2023
Addressing Neck Issues Benefits Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Patients.

For patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, a recent study found that including manual therapies to address musculoskeletal disorders of the cervical spine to standard treatment resulted in better outcomes as demonstrated with electrodiagnostic testing. Doctors of chiropractic routinely assess the full course of the median nerve when examining CTS patients as compression of the median nerve beyond the wrist can contribute to or even cause CTS-associated symptoms.

Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, June 2023
Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia.

Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic pain condition that affects the trigeminal nerve, which carries sensation from the face to the brain. A recently published case series reported that four of five patients with chronic, severe, daily trigeminal neuralgia pain experienced a significant reduction in pain following a 16-week chiropractic treatment plan that focused on improving function in the upper cervical spine.

Explore (NY), June 2023
Treatment for Biceps Tendinopathy Shoulder Pain.

A panel of 29 international experts reviewed the available literature on 61 different treatment approaches for biceps tendinopathy shoulder pain, or shoulder pain caused by inflammation of the tendon attached to the long head of the bicep muscle. Both thrust and non-thrust manual therapy received the highest scores from the panel and are often utilized by doctors of chiropractic when managing patients with this form of shoulder pain.

International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, June 2023
Shifting Sleep Midpoint May Help Predict Gestational Weight Gain.

Using data from the Michigan Archive for Research on Child Health cohort study, researchers report that expectant mothers whose sleep midpoint shifts more than one hour during pregnancy are 30% more likely to gain excessive weight than those who maintain a consistent sleep schedule. The research team concludes, “Health professionals should consider changes in sleep patterns during pregnancy to identify those prone to excessive [gestational weight gain].”

Journal of Women’s Health, August 2023
Try HIIT Prehabilitation.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a form of exercise that involves short intervals of near-maximal effort—such as sprinting or stair climbing—separated by intervals of moderate-intensity exercise—such as jogging or fast walking. A systematic review of twelve studies found that engaging in a 4-6-week HIIT prehabilitation intervention reduced the risk for post-surgical complications by 56% and hospital stays by three days, on average.

JAMA Network Open, July 2023
Are the Most Common Medications for Low Back Pain Ineffective?

The authors of a recent Cochrane review that encompassed 103 studies reported they found no high- or moderate-certainty evidence that paracetamol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), muscle relaxants, benzodiazepines, opioids, and antidepressants have either a large or medium effect on reducing pain intensity in patients with either acute or chronic low back pain.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, April 2023
Headaches Are Very Common in Concussion Patients.

Post-traumatic headaches are the most common symptom experienced by individuals who sustain a mild-traumatic brain injury. Current research suggests that up to 69% of concussion patients will experience such headaches with between a third and half continuing to do so up to a year later.

Journal of Clinical Medicine, June 2023
Cavities Associated with Asthma in Kids?

A systematic review that included seven studies established a link between dental caries and childhood asthma. The findings add to a growing body of evidence linking oral health to health conditions beyond the mouth.

Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, July 2023
Brushing, Flossing May Protect the Brain.

According to a recent study, poor oral health is associated with shrinkage of the hippocampus, a brain region crucial for memory. While the nature of the association is not yet known, researchers suspect that gum disease can promote chronic inflammation in the body, which can affect brain health.

Neurology, July 2023
Loneliness Reduces Survival Following Cancer Diagnosis.

An analysis of data concerning more than 3,400 cancer patients revealed that those who reported any level of loneliness were less likely to survive the disease. The authors of the study add that loneliness can lead to negative emotions, unhealthy behaviors, and immune system disorders that can contribute to a worse outcome for patients under cancer treatment.

American Society of Clinical Oncology, June 2023
Poor Sleep Linked to Several Poor Health Outcomes.

An umbrella review of 14 systematic reviews found that insomnia may increase the risk for hypertension, cardiovascular disease, obesity, cognitive decline, and thyroid cancer.

Journal of Sleep Research, July 2023
Exercise Can Boost Pain Tolerance.

An analysis of data concerning more than 10,000 adults found that physically active individuals have greater pain tolerance than their sedentary peers. The findings suggest that getting regular exercise could be a useful component in a treatment plan to manage chronic pain.

PLOS ONE, May 2023
Frailty Linked to Worse Cardiovascular Outcomes.

Frailty is a condition characterized by weakness, slowness, physical inactivity, self-reported exhaustion, and unintentional weight loss that is associated with an increased risk for poor health outcomes. A study that included more than 9,300 older adults revealed that those diagnosed with frailty had a two-times increased risk for myocardial infarction, acute coronary syndrome without myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure, and cardiovascular death in the following three years.

Circulation, June 2023
Migraines Linked to Elevated Suicide Risk.

A systematic review and meta-analysis of data concerning more than 186,123 migraineurs revealed that migraines are associated with a two-times increased risk for suicide ideation and a three-times greater risk for suicide attempts when compared with the general population. Past research has demonstrated chiropractic care can help reduce the frequency, duration, and intensity of migraines.

Frontiers in Neurology, April 2023
Exercise Important When Arthritis Strikes.

While it seems counterintuitive, the most effective and affordable treatment for managing osteoarthritis is regularly engaging in aerobic exercise, such as walking, cycling, or swimming.

UT Southwestern Medical Center, May 2023
Cervicovestibular Rehabilitation and Sport-Related Concussion Recovery.

A systematic review that included 13 studies concluded that teens and adults who sustain a sport-related concussion and report dizziness, neck pain, and/or headaches for longer than ten days should consider cervicovestibular rehabilitation—a combination of manual therapies, rehabilitative exercises, and education—to speed their recovery.

British Journal of Sports Medicine, June 2023
Migraine Patients Often Have Neck Problems.

Patients with a history of migraine headaches often report pain, hypersensitivity, and reduced range of motion in the neck. Past studies have demonstrated that treatment to address cervical musculoskeletal disorders in migraineurs can reduce the frequency, duration, and intensity of their headaches.

Musculoskeletal Science & Practice, June 2023
Manual Therapies for Endometriosis-Related Pelvic Pain?

In a recent experiment that included 41 females with pelvic pain due to endometriosis, those who received an eight-week full-body manual therapy intervention that included a combination of manipulative, mobilization, and soft techniques—such as those provided by doctors of chiropractic—experienced improvements in their pain levels that persisted for up to six months. The authors conclude that manual therapy may be an excellent complement to standard treatment for endometriosis-related pelvic pain.

Journal of Clinical Medicine, May 2023
Managing a Lumbar Disk Herniation with Radiculopathy.

A recent study found that the combination of Mulligan’s mobilization and neurodynamic mobilization is an effective treatment for improving functional mobility and quality of life in patients with chronic lumbar disk herniation that radiates pain into the leg. Doctors of chiropractic are trained in the application of several manual therapies for the management of lumbar disk herniation with radiculopathy, including those used in this study.

Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, March 2023
Slumped Sitting Causes Neck Pain During Computer Tasks.

In a recent experiment, researchers observed that performing a 15-minutes task on a computer with a slumped posture absent of forearm support causes more neck pain than doing the same task with an upright posture. The finding demonstrates the value of proper sitting posture and workstation ergonomics.

Applied Ergonomics, July 2023
Fatal Falls Among Seniors Have Skyrocketed.

In the last 20 years, the number of seniors who have died from fall-related injuries has increased from 10,100 deaths in 1999 to 36,500 deaths in 2020. While the population of older adults has increased in that time frame from 35 to 55 million, this does not account for the 3.65 times rise in fall-related deaths. Rather, experts point out that more seniors are surviving serious medical issues, which may leave them more frail and prone to falls. Older adults also take more medications now than they did 20 years ago, which can interact and cause dizziness and other side effects that may affect balance.

Journal of the American Medical Association, May 2023
Midlife Hypertension Cause About 1 in 12 Dementia Cases.

Following an analysis of data from 186 countries, researchers estimate that hypertension diagnosis between ages 30 and 44 is attributable to about 8.4% of dementia cases. The findings suggest that aggressive management of blood pressure at midlife could significantly reduce the global burden of dementia.

EClinicalMedicine, May 2023
Golf Is Good for Arthritis Sufferers.

A survey of 459 golfers with osteoarthritis revealed that that over 90% rated their health as good, very good, or excellent, compared with just 64% of non-golfer osteoarthritis patients. The data also show that golfers are three times less likely to report severe psychological distress. Experts note that golfing is a low-impact physical activity that involves plenty of walking and opportunities for social interaction, which can benefit physical and mental health.

Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, April 2023
Mindfulness May Help Ease the Stress of Parenting an Autistic Child.

Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is a coping mechanism that combines mindfulness, body awareness, and yoga. In a recent study that included 117 parents of children with autism spectrum disorder, researchers found that those assigned to an eight-week MBSR program reported lower stress levels a year later than parents who received a standard education and support service that did not address parental stress.

International Society for Autism Research, May 2023
Child Drowning Can Be Prevented.

To reduce the risk of a child drowning, experts at Penn State Health recommend the following: always supervise an infant or young child in the bathtub and stay within arm’s reach; start swim classes when a child is young; never let children swim unsupervised; if you have a swimming pool at home, ensure it is fenced off and the entrance is locked when not in use; dress children in brightly colored bathing suits so they are more visible in the water; and learn CPR.

Penn State Health, April 2023
Exercise Could Help Fight Addiction.

A systematic review that included 43 studies identified an association between physical activity and reduced substance use in patients under treatment for drug or alcohol abuse. The findings suggest that incorporating exercise in a treatment plan for substance abuse may help patients achieve and maintain sobriety.

PLOS ONE, April 2023
Idiopathic Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Alters Hand Proprioception.

Proprioception is the body's ability to sense where its various parts are in relation to one another for purposes of movement and balance. Examinations of 60 hands affected by carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and 25 non-CTS hands revealed that proprioception is worse when CTS is present. Doctors of chiropractic often utilize a multimodal approach when managing CTS patients, which may include exercises and therapies to restore normal hand movement and function.

Joint Diseases and Related Surgery, January 2023
Vitamin D Improves Cancer Survivability.

Following an analysis of data from 14 clinical trials, researchers calculate that taking a vitamin D supplement may reduce cancer mortality in older adults by 12%.

Ageing Research Reviews, June 2023
Kids Born Via Egg Donors or Surrogacy Turn Out Just Fine.

Among a group of 65 families with one or more children born via assisted reproduction and 52 families with children conceived traditionally, researchers observed no difference between the groups with respect to the development of positive parent-child relationships or the child’s psychological wellbeing.

Developmental Psychology, April 2023
Fully Legalizing Marijuana May Result in More Automobile Collision Deaths.

Since the legalization of recreational marijuana in Alaska, California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington, researchers note there has been a 14-22% increase in car crash-related deaths. Lead author Dr. Samantha Marinello writes, “Overall, this study provides evidence of the potential harms and benefits of legalizing recreational markets… Therefore, there is a need for policies and public health initiatives to reduce driving under the influence.”

Social Science & Medicine, January 2023
Sleep Apnea Increases Risk for Suicide Attempts.

With the aid of the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database, researchers report that individuals with obstructive sleep apnea are nearly four times more likely to attempt suicide, even after controlling for known risk factors for suicide. The findings suggest that extra attention should be paid to the mental health of newly diagnosed sleep apnea patients.

Journal of Psychiatric Research, May 2023
Fruit and Veggie Intake May Cut Risk for High Blood Pressure.

An analysis of data from 18 studies that included nearly 450,000 participants revealed that a high intake of fruit and vegetables is associated with around a 10% lower risk for hypertension.

European Journal of Nutrition, April 2023
Drinking Alcohol Offers No Health Benefits.

According to a literature review that included 107 studies, moderate alcohol consumption offers no health benefits, and at best, it has no effect on an individual's health. However, the authors note that averaging three or more drinks a day can significantly increase the risk of early death from causes that include liver disease, some cancers, stroke, heart disease, accidents, automobile collisions, homicide, and suicide.

JAMA Network Open, March 2023
Hamstrings and Calves May Contribute to Chronic Low Back Pain.

Myofascial release is a hands-on treatment in which a doctor of chiropractic applies pressure with their hands, elbow, or a tool to stretch the muscles to knead out trigger points or adhesions that may inhibit the ability of the muscles to slide against one another during normal movements. Among a group of 32 chronic low back pain patients, researchers observed that applying myofascial release to either the lower back or hamstring/calf resulted in similar improvements in low back pain and elasticity of the lumbar back muscles. The findings suggest that restricted movement of the muscles in the lower limbs may contribute to chronic low back pain and should be assessed when a patient presents for care.

Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, March 2023
Exercises Benefits Patients with Schizophrenia.

A systematic review and meta-analysis that included 15 studies concluded that engaging in a fitness regimen that incorporates both aerobic and resistance exercises can improve many symptoms experienced by individuals with schizophrenia including delusions/hallucinations, apathy, isolation, social withdrawal, and depression.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, February 2023
Hip Treatment Benefits Knee Osteoarthritis Patients.

For patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, a recent study found that adding hip mobilization and strength training exercises to a treatment plan that includes knee-specific can result in better outcomes with respect to pain, function, and balance. Doctors of chiropractic often employ a multimodal approach that includes manual therapies and exercises when managing patients with knee osteoarthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions.

Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, April 2023
Lumbar Disk Herniation Quadruples Risk for Future Low Back Pain.

A literature review that included 15 studies concluded that patients with a history of lumbar disk herniation (LDH) have a 46.2% risk for chronic low back pain, a rate nearly four times greater than the general population (11.9%). Doctors of chiropractic successfully manage many symptomatic LDH cases using a multi-modal treatment approach that includes manual therapies, exercise training, ergonomic assessments, and more.

World Neurosurgery, December 2022
Foodborne E. Coli May Cause About 1 in 13 UTIs.

According to a recent study of e. coli samples from raw chicken, turkey, and pork, as well as patients with a urinary tract infection (UTI), around 8% of UTIs each year may originate from infected meat. The findings highlight the importance of food safety when handling and cooking raw meat to prevent foodborne illness.

One Health, March 2023
Low Back Pain Can Affect Balance.

Proprioception is the body's ability to sense where its various parts are in relation to one another for purposes of movement and balance. In a recent experiment, researchers observed that patients with low back pain performed worse on the one-legged standing test (both with eyes opened and closed) than individuals without low back pain, suggesting that conditions affecting the lower back can impair proprioception.

Gait & Posture, February 2023
Traffic Accidents Can Increase Birth Complication Risks.

Following an analysis of data on births, insurance claims, and deaths in Taiwan between 2007 and 2016, researchers report that pregnant women involved in a motor vehicle collision are at an elevated risk for placental abruption, induced labor, and prolonged contractions.

Injury Prevention, March 2023
Is Working Nights Linked to Back Pain?

An analysis of data from 40 studies found that working nights is associated with an elevated risk for low back pain, especially among healthcare workers.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, January 2023
The Most Effective Exercise Therapies for Chronic Low Back Pain.

An analysis of 26 systematic reviews concluded that motor control and stabilization exercises may represent the most effective exercise therapies for patients with chronic low back pain. Doctors of chiropractic often include these exercises as part of a multimodal approach when treating a chronic low back pain patient.

Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, December 2022
Magnesium-to-Calcium Ratio and Mortality from COVID-19


Fernando Guerrero-Romero, Moises Mercado, Martha Rodríguez-Morán, Claudia
Ramírez-Renteria, et al; This article cites 36 references.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the association of serum magnesium-to calcium ratio with mortality from severe COVID-19.
The serum magnesium-to-calcium ratio is being used as a mortality predictor in
patients with cardiovascular and neoplastic diseases, but “there are no previous
reports evaluating the calcium-to-magnesium ratio as a biomarker for mortality
from COVID-19.”

These authors hypothesized that hypomagnesemia might play an important role in
the pathophysiology and mortality from COVID-19.

The clinical and laboratory data of 1,064 patients, average age of 60 years, were
analyzed. Study subjects were hospitalized by COVID-19. [by, not with]
“Eligible participants were individuals older than 20 years with a positive
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for SARS-CoV-2 and a diagnosis of severe

The data of 52% of patients who died were compared with the data of 48% of
patients who recovered: “Data from patients discharged per death were compared
vs. data from patients discharged per recovery.”

The magnesium-to-calcium ratio was calculated as total serum magnesium levels
(mg/dL)/calcium (mg/dL).

Normal serum magnesium levels are 1.7-2.2 mg/dL (for math, use 2.0)
Normal serum calcium levels are 8.5-10.2 mg/dL (for math, use 10.0)
A rounded typical serum Mg++/Ca++ ratio would be 2/10 = 0.2 mg/dL.

My favorite books on magnesium are:
The Magnesium Factor by Mildred Seelig, MD, PhD, 2003
The Magnesium Miracle by Carolyn Dean, MD, 2014
Cure Your Fatigue by Morley Robbins, MBA, 2021

These references insist that serum magnesium levels are a poor indicator as to
one’s magnesium levels; they insist that the only acceptable test is RBC magnesium
levels, and the acceptable range is 6.0-6.5 mg/dL.

Carolyn Dean, MD, a true magnesium expert, says:
“Serum magnesium levels are entirely inaccurate.”
“The serum magnesium test is a highly inaccurate assessment of total
magnesium status.” “Magnesium must remain at an effective level in
the blood to keep the heart beating properly. To maintain this crucial
balance, when serum magnesium levels drop, magnesium is pulled out
of bone and muscles to fill the gap.”

“The magnesium RBC test is more reliable.”
Also, Dr. Dean notes that “vitamin B6 is a cofactor for magnesium absorption.”
Dale Bredesen, MD, is a neurologist at UCLA. In his 2017 book, The End of
Alzheimer’s: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline, he notes:
“Measuring levels of magnesium in your red blood cells, where most of
it resides, produces a more accurate reading than measuring in
I like this study and the prior Article Review 51-22 on magnesium and COVID. My
concern is that the authors used serum magnesium levels, not RBC magnesium
levels, which I believe to be more accurate.

1) Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) is an acute respiratory syndrome due to
infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus.
• “The clinical spectrum of COVID-19 ranges from an asymptomatic carrier
state, or a mild upper respiratory tract infection, to a devastating acute
respiratory distress syndrome with multiple organ failure and high mortality

2) “Obesity, type 2 diabetes, arterial hypertension, decrease in immune
response, cytokine storm, endothelial dysfunction, and arrhythmias, which are
frequent in COVID-19 patients, are [also] associated with hypomagnesemia.”

3) “Several of the well-known COVID-19 risk factors and some co-morbidities
such as acute renal failure, arterial and venous thrombosis, cardiac failure, and
arrhythmias are linked to magnesium deficiency.” [Important]

4) “Magnesium is a calcium antagonist.” [Key Point]
5) Each group was matched (the 52% that died v. the 48% that recovered) in
terms of covariables, including obesity, diabetes, glucose levels, hypertension, and
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

• Men and women who died had higher serum calcium levels.
• Men and women who recovered had higher serum magnesium levels.

“The proportion of individuals who exhibited a magnesium to-calcium ratio
≤0.20 was significantly higher in the individuals discharged per death than in
those discharged by recovery (93.5% vs. 14.7%, respectively).”

• “In the whole population, as well as in women and men, the magnesium-tocalcium ratio was inversely correlated with the discharge per death.”
• “The best cut-off point for the magnesium-to-calcium ratio for identifying
individuals at high risk of mortality from COVID-19 was 0.20.”

Having a magnesium-to-calcium ratio ≤0.20 increased death in men by 493%
and women by393%.

6) Conclusions:

• “The magnesium-to-calcium ratio ≤0.20 is strongly associated with mortality
from severe COVID-19 provides a new insight that could be useful in the
management of the disease.”

• “Monitoring serum calcium and magnesium levels during hospitalization may
represent a useful strategy for the early identification of high-risk patients,
which would allow timely treatment and appropriate surveillance.”

• In the treatment for COVID-19, “restoring a magnesium-calcium balance is
mandatory.” [Key Point]

• Findings “emphasizes the important role that the magnesium-calcium balance
may play in the prognosis of COVID-19.”

7) “Hypomagnesemia could be a biomarker of a poor outcome from COVID-19.”

8) “Hypomagnesemia has been found to be inversely associated with
cardiovascular disease and chronic inflammation, entities related to a poor outcome
from COVID-19.”

9) “The best cut-off point of the magnesium-to calcium ratio for identifying
individuals at high risk of mortality from COVID-19 was 0.20.” [see math above]

10) “Hypomagnesemia is associated with a decrease synthesis and activation in
vitamin D, an increase in oxidative stress and cytotoxic activity of T lymphocytes,
and with the triggering of cytokine storm.” [Key Point]

• “Hypomagnesemia is also related to abnormal platelet aggregation,
coagulation abnormalities, endothelial dysfunction, and myocardial damage,
entities frequently identified in severely ill COVID-19 patients.”

• Low serum calcium levels are a prognostic factor in determining increased
severity of COVID-19.

Daniel J. Murphy DC, DABCO
Knee or Hip Osteoarthritis Patients Often Have Low Back Condition.

Evaluations of more than 6,500 individuals with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee revealed that 40% of knee-osteoarthritis patients and 50% of hip-osteoarthritis patients had co-occurring lumbar spinal stenosis—a debilitating condition associated with the degeneration of the spine, which can have a wide range of symptoms including back pain, leg pain, numbness and tingling in the legs and impaired physical function. The findings suggest screening knee and hip osteoarthritis patients for lumbar spinal stenosis as additional treatment focused on improving function in the lumbar spine may be necessary to achieve a satisfactory outcome.

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, April 2023
Exercises to Address Stress Urinary Incontinence.

In a recent experiment that included 24 women with stress urinary incontinence, researchers observed that a twelve-week intervention that included a combination of Kegels plus resistance training focused on activating the pelvic floor (squats and deadlifts, primarily) is effective for reducing urinary leakage during activities of daily living.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, January 2023
Shopping for Athletic Shoes.

The American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society offers the following advice when purchasing athletic footwear: if there is a specialty shoe store available, go there first and take advantage of their expertise; when trying on shoes, do so at the end of the day when feet are the largest and wear the same type of socks you’ll use during exercise; make sure you can easily move your toes and the shoes firmly grip your heels when walking or running; and if you play a particular sport, look for shoes designed for that activity.

American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, March 2023
Prevent Long-Term Mental Harm in Kids Who Have Lost a Parent.

Past research has shown the loss of a parent during childhood is linked to an increased risk for poor mental health later in life. A recent study that included 244 children who had recently lost a parent found that kids and their surviving parent who participated in a bereavement program were half as likely to suffer from depression 15 years later. Study author Dr. Irwin Sandler writes, “This is just the latest in a series of studies. It's probably the most dramatic finding because to show that you're able to prevent the onset of major depressive disorder ... was even more than we could have expected.”

Journal of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, March 2023
Functional Nutrition & Integrative Health Center

Dr. John Heary
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